
grassland and horizon

Exploring the Negative Impacts of Fracking Policies on Native American Lands and Communities

by Shelley Palmer, Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources

college coffeehouse sene

¿Cuándo hablar español y cuándo hablar inglés? Preferencias lingüísticas de estudiantes hispanos bilingües en distintos contextos comunicativos

by Bodey Gray, Mary Frances Early College of Education

El cáncer de próstata en México

by Jake Cliett, Romance Languages

Emancipating Tomes: Literacy, Identity, and Resistance in the Autobiographies of Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X

by Zack Dow, History and English

chalk wiped on chalkboard

Is Memory Reliable?

by Lola Henry, Psychology

What Did Students Value in Their Courses During Emergency Remote Instruction in Spring 2020?

by Theodore Joseph Miller, Genetics

La influencia de la pobreza multidimensional en Panamá en la desnutrición infantil en poblaciones indígenas

by David Burke, Romance Languages

Thanks to all of the graduate students who made this issue possible. In addition to The Classic’s team of editors and reviewers, a huge thank you to guest reviewer Erin Bolívar, a PhD student in Hispanic Studies in the Department of Romance Languages. Finally, thanks to WIP Intern Cindy Nguyen for designing the issue graphic.