Submission Form – Sciences

Please copy and paste the following information in the body of your submission email.




Professor and/or GLA: 


Submission Category (circle one); Classic Features, Classic Reviews, Classic Alternatives


By submitting work to be considered for publication in The Classic, I attest to its originality.

Initial here to consent to the above statement: __________

If my work is accepted for publication, I grant The Classic permission to publish my work online.

Initial here to consent to the above statement: __________

If my work is accepted for publication, I grant permission to share news of my publication through digital and print media (e.g., email, social media, and newsletters).

Initial here to consent to the above statement: __________

I have included necessary copyright and attribution information for media present in my project.

Initial here to consent to the above statement: __________
Initial here if you do not have any media in your project: __________

Attach your submission as a Doc or include a link to a Google doc.
Please send your submission to [email protected].

If you have any additional materials that cannot be sent via email, please mail to:

Classic Journal
℅ The Writing Intensive Program
334 Park Hall
Athens, GA 30602