Publication Process

Manuscript Submission

Students are invited to submit their work at any time during the year, January through December.

For the Fall Issue, the journal will consider all work submitted by
July 15.

For the Spring Issue, the journal will consider all work submitted by
January 15.

See Submission Guidelines for details on this process. For students submitting work from the sciences, please use the Science Submission Form. All other submissions should be accompanied by the standard Submission Form.

Review Process

Submitted manuscripts will undergo an initial review by two graduate students from a variety of disciplines. Following this review, students will receive two reader reports and a decision from the editors:

  • accepted for publication
  • revise and resubmit

No matter which decision they receive, students should anticipate needing to revise, edit, and polish their work before sending it back in. At this point, students will be asked to submit the following:

  • revised manuscript
  • cover letter to explain/reflect on work in revision (self evaluation, response to feedback, etc.)
  • title page (abstract, keywords, course, faculty, TA, etc.)

Revised works will then undergo a second review to ensure that they are ready for publication. At this point, works are either

  • passed along to the copy editors to prepare proofs
  • sent back to the student for further revisions

After the copy editors prepare edited proofs and the students returns corrected proofs, the final manuscripts are prepared in digital space in preparation for the issue’s release.

The Fall Issue is usually published in
early May.

The Spring Issue is usually published in
early December.