Contributors’ Notes – 6.1

As a lover of economics and reading, Rosie Albenice has always been drawn to the complicated: texts and problems that really make her ponder. In this essay, Rosie strived to put together an infinite puzzle of stories throughout history. When it came together, however, it felt like the work wasn’t done. Then Rosie realized this is just how Eliot intended it to be: never finished. Eliot would have wanted her to keep learning and keep working toward uncovering the mystery of literature and the world.

Charlotte Sanders is a recent graduate with degrees in history and religion. She is interested in feminist historiography and revisiting social movements within medieval and early modern history and religion by evaluating their direct impact on the lives of women. She was awarded the Alf Andrew Heggoy Award from the University of Georgia’s Department of History for writing the best senior paper of the 2019-2020 academic school year entitled, “‘Grievous Gripes and Perilous Pangs’: The Curse of Eve and the Rhetoric of Childbirth in Reformation England.” Charlotte’s plan is to move abroad and continue furthering her research both inside and outside higher education.

Jacob Mewborn is from Peachtree City, GA, and a current senior at the University of Georgia. He studies Romance languages and communication studies with a minor in religion. Although his communication interests focus on interpersonal aspects, rhetorical criticism and analyses encourage him to view media, language, and popular culture at a deeper level. Living through the COVID-19 pandemic and witnessing the various rhetoric it produced, Jacob experienced the negative shift in American psyche discussed in this analysis firsthand. This analysis is his first publication in the field of communication studies and rhetoric.

Logan Folger is a recent graduate of the University of Georgia. She received her Bachelor’s degrees in Psychology and Criminal Justice. She is now enrolled in the Master’s program in Experimental Psychology at Georgia Southern University. She is interested in studying personality disorders and abnormal behavior and its relation to individuals in the criminal justice system.

Rishabh Jaryal received his B.S. Biology degree from the University of Georgia in Summer 2020. During his time at UGA, he enjoyed his science classes, especially his research-based class, BIOL 3110L. In this class, he took interest into DNA, enzymes, and scientific procedures which lead to the topic of his research project. He is currently pursuing professional school.